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First Name: Bud
Last Name: Pieper
From City / State: St Louis, Mo.
Email: ed.pieper@yahoo.com
Referred By: Email
Unit Served in: HHC 2/12th Battalion
Platoon: None
Tour Dates (3/68-3/69): 1/68-1/69
Add me to VET email list: Yes
Message Type: Choose One

Saturday, 11 March 2023 13:10 
I was the Four Duse forward observer for C 2/12 &/68- 9/68.
Lt Hendricks was in command while I was there.

I have read In Harms Way. It was a great read. Went back with this book 

 Sarge Wrote :
 Thanks for stopping in and reading my book. Always liked having you guys covering our back sides.

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