SSG Terry Corum 2016
SSG Terry Corum 2016
I remember when I first arrived in Vietnam.  The plane landed and as I got off I was so unaware of the magnitude of where I was.  I loaded on the bus headed to a chapter of my life that would be life changing.  You go through orientation and then you are finally assigned to a unit, that you will belong to forever.  I got to Charlie Company, located in the middle of nowhere without a clue as to where I belonged or who I would become.  They tell you in orientation to listen to the guys who have been in country and you will be okay.  I took that advice and slowly but surely I started to feel like I knew where I was and who I was.  The names and faces started to give me comfort and a feeling of belonging.  I remember the first name and face that gave me guidance and a sense of belonging, Barry Price. Barry always seemed to have a smile on his face and a laugh ready to come out.  Time would pass and other names and faces would be a part of my everyday life.  Suddenly, a day I never wanted to happen, we lost some of those names and faces that were a part of our family.  I had mixed feelings, disbelief, helplessness, and regret.  The names and faces now have a very different impact on me.

Time passes and now it is time to go back to “The world.”  I board the plane and my thoughts are all about getting home.  I arrive home ready to begin my life.  I have a new daughter that was born one month after I arrived in Vietnam. I am so excited about being a Dad and being back with my family.  I spend years thinking everything is normal.  I become an alcoholic. I am divorced with two children. I meet my second wife, now of forty one years. I finally realized my drinking problem and now am sober for twenty years.


Terry served with C 2/12th, from July 68 to July 69 as a squad leader and later, went to LDS to become an instructor.
One of my daughters and her family were going to Washington D.C. for vacation and they wanted me to go with them to see “the Wall.” I agreed and it was life changing!  I touched the “names” Stepsie and Beltran. I served with C 2/12th, from July 68 to July 69 as a squad leader and later, went to Leadership Development School (LDS) to become an instructor.
I totally broke down and now realized what the names and faces were all about “memories.”  I was on line looking for info from the Wall and saw a website for 2/12/Warriors.  I went to the web and found a familiar name “Krause.”  I immediately called the number and the voice on the other end responded “So where have you been?”  This started “the new beginning!”

I attended the 2/12/25th reunion in Gatlinburg, TN and found myself involved again with the guys who, in the past, were names and faces. The regret I have about being in Nam is not knowing those names and faces more on a personal level. I feel that now I have the opportunity to do this. I believe God has a plan for all of us  and He is still working on me. I want all the guys I was with in Nam to know that I carry you in my mind and heart daily.  I have found so much peace and fulfillment with this new beginning. I intend to continue trying to get to know all the names and faces that I so dearly love.  I want to thank my very good friends, Arnold and Hiram, for helping me make this new beginning.

Your brother forever,
Terry Corum

June, 2016